Shilat Khalije Fars Novin

Fishery, Farming & Processing Seafood

  • Central Office: No 30, Energy St, Ghamsar St, Rey, Iran
  • Seafood Processing Factory No 1: No 27, Industrial Zone No 2, Borazjan Road, Burshehr, Iran
  • Seafood Processing Factory No 2: No 6, Bandar Abbas Industrial Zone, Sirjan Road, Bandar Abbas, Iran
  • Shrimp Farms: Pool No 16,17,18,21,24,27, Shif Shrimp Site, Bushehr, Iran
  • Salmon Trout Site: N 105, Shahre Kord Industrial Zone, Chaharmahal, Iran
  • Phone: +98 21 28424147
  • Cell: +98 9124663086 ( Whatsapp– WeChat )
  • Mail: info[at]

Vannamei Shrimp (whiteleg Shrimps, Pacific White Shrimp, King Prawn)

Vannamei shrimps are graded basedon the land they are farmed. The lighter the color of the Vannamei shrimp, the higher the quality or the grade is. A1 grade is the best quality of vanami shrimps and A5 is the lowest grade or quality. Wholesale vannamei shrimps with A1 grade are often sold to the European Union countries and Russia.

The only type of shrimps that are known as farmed shrimps and produced in large volumes all over the world are the vannamei shrimps. The general characteristics of vannamei Shrimps are as follows:

  • The scientific name of vannamei shrimps is Litopenaeusvannamei, formerly known as Penaeusvannamei
  • Vannamei shrimp belongs to arthropod phylum from genus Penaeidae( from the crustaceans)
  • Their main habitat is the eastern pacific ocean.


What makes aquaculture farmers so interested in vannamei shrimps?


Because vannamei shrimp is highly compatible with different environments and resist relatively well to diseases, it is usually the first choice for shrimp farming in salinity waters. Vannamei shrimps also have a big appetite and gain weight quickly in a short time which makes aquaculture farmers choose this type of shrimp for farming over other types. Vannamei shrimp farming period in Iranwith initial preparations and harvest time is 6 months and based on the policies and efforts made in recent years, aquaculture farmers try to farm vannamei shrimps twice a year.


Bushehr province has the highest level of farmed shrimp culture. Bushehr has always held the record for farmed shrimp production and export in recent years. Given the fact that exporting vannameishrimps can bring a lot of money into the country and loyal customers from China and Vietnam that come to Bushehr every year in the harvest seasons and wait in hotels to buy them in advance, we can imagine a very good future for this industry. As you know, one of the global organizations' proposals for the model of progress and increase of gross income for Iran is by developing aquaculture, which, because of Iran's vast water borders, can be considered as one of this country’s levers of power in non-oil exports.


Iran Vannamei Shrimp

As you know, production alone cannot be the key to aquaculture industry development. The creation and expansion of peripheral industries under names such as shrimp processing companies allow for the gradual storage, packaging, and supply of shrimp, which leads to greater marketability and increased profitability of vannamei shrimp sales.Customers can buy fresh vannamei shrimp only in the harvest seasons, but frozen vannamei shrimp is supplied in almost all the year-round atdifferent prices. Every year, the highest prices for vannamei shrimps are in months close to January and Chinese New Year, and the lowest prices in the harvest seasons. The reasons for the increase in prices of frozen vannamei shrimps compared to fresh vannamei shrimps include refrigerator costs, customized packaging-which is available in two-kilogram boxes, 6-kilogram ingots, sometimes 1 kilogram and 400-gram packages, and processing types such as HOSO, HOLS, PUD, PD, PDTO, and BTTY_TO.


Grade A Vannamei Shrimp

Grade A Vannamei Shrimp Export under ECC Certificate

The European Union has one of the most strict controls on imported foods. Usually, only excellent quality products receive import license. On this ground, companies that have an ECC certificate can export shrimp to this union. Fortunately,many Iranian companies have made efforts to secure this license.

we see an increase in the production of A1 Vannamei shrimps every year. The main reasons for this success include the growing knowledge of aquaculture farmers, the improvement of aquaculture managementin all stages of this industry from Naples purchase to factory delivery, and the experts providing close supervision and useful consultation.


Various Sizes of Exported Vannamei Shrimp is as follows:
  • 30-40
  • 40-50
  • 50-60
  • 60-70
  • 70-80
  • 80-100
  • 100-120

In addition to size, Vannamei shrimps are also graded based on the color. Shrimps adopt the color of their natural habitat. So, shrimps of light color insandy ponds are called light shrimp or A1. Shrimps farmed in covered ponds are called dark shrimps or A5. Grade A2-A3 shrimps are preferably marketed for fresh sales, and the rest are more expensive if they are supplied frozen.